In John 3:8 He said, “The wind blows where it will. You hear the sound of it, but you can't tell where it's coming from or where it's going. So it is with anyone born of the Spirit. “We have no control over our spiritual gifts. The Holy Spirit comes when He wants to protect us or others, to give knowledge that uplifts the church as a whole. He comes to give us warning, wisdom, and help for those whom God loves. He gives us the healing of the Lord in our hands by acting as His channel. We pray to the Lord in the language that only God knows, unless one has been given the gift of interpretation it does not religious ceremony, but it happens when we receive Jesus. Next, it is God who will send the gifts when he sees that we need them. Christians are often ridiculed for this manifestation. People do not understand how God speaks to us. They do not know God time to ask God to cleanse our hearts. We need to ask Him to show us where the hidden sin is in our lives. We need to spend time every day, in God's Word. We need to pray, fast and live as outlined in Matthew 5, 6 e