Did you know that drug possession in schools more than doubled from 2005 to 2011. That's a lot in just 6 years. Security is becoming really scary in our century. Bullying and cyberbullying exist, back then we didn't have computers to do cyberbullying. Teachers confirm that violence may not be increasing, but records are kept much more carefully than in the past. We have been carrying out the city project for 14 years. Teach students how to help their school and community. Students learn about things that are happening that they have never seen before. Our situation concerns safety in schools. Some current Edgewood policies are: no tank tops or shorts, no shirts with lots of holes in the back and/or front, good sportsmanship doesn't put anyone down or make anyone sad, no bullying of any kind, and including names people don't want. I would like to highlight the role of every person in the school who can help and is involved in some way. First of all there are the students, they are the ones everyone is primarily trying to protect, but they can also cause harm such as child shootings or suicide deaths. Next I would like to say a few words about teachers. They are the ones who supervise the students. So there is no bullying, drug violations, sexual incidents and other really serious events. The last people in the school who can help are the administrators. If you didn't know that administrators provide leadership and set the tone for school safety, they decide whether they will make things happen for kids or let them suffer from bullying and inappropriate drills. Now where it really starts, the parents, they help with the dress code, they also know the child better so they can help talk things through. If the parents...... half of the paper ......a. We review PBIS safety every quarter so we don't forget (our kids tend to). When children are constantly reminded, they will not forget about PBIS. The next thing to involve the social worker more because they can really help is when the teacher sees a stressed child, they would send them to the social worker just in case. The social worker is always kind and makes the children feel safe and able to say anything because what is said in the room stays in the room. It's simple to make this happen, you just need to take the necessary steps to make the solution a reality. 1) Set up a time to have one day each quarter to remember PBIS. 2) Ask the teacher to pay attention to children's attitude and social life. 3) Make sure children feel comfortable in the social workers' room. Some of my evidence is provided by these to the PBIS, Memory sites.