247)”, i.e. when a workplace only hires workers who are already members of the union. At that time the unions had too much power so they wanted to limit the power of the unions. The Landrum Griffin Act of 1959 was passed to “focus on the elimination of various unethical, illegal, and undemocratic labor practices” (Denisi, Griffin pg. 247). This law was passed to ensure that unions had a level playing field with other companies and that all unethical behavior was stopped. The history of these laws has shaped how unions are run today. During our class labor negotiation, my team was on the union side of the negotiation. In making our decisions on each topic, we looked at what the union side wanted and what the management side wanted. My team decided it was best to aim high and if management didn't like it, we would at least aim to achieve the market average. My team pretty much agreed on everything. Lorenzo and David were our main negotiators and