Topic > Army: a profession of arms - 829

What is a profession? First of all, let's see how we can define a profession from a general point of view. A profession is an occupation that requires specialized knowledge and often long and intense academic preparation. Profession does not only mean being perfectly prepared on the basis of theoretical aspects, but also meeting rigorous criteria. A good professional should be a leader and leadership means solving problems. Leaders can be evaluated based on the amount of problems solved. Everyone has a tendency to be successful in trying this; a successful leader must have confidence in his decisions. It follows that we can generally consider the leader as an expert, a mature personality, someone who satisfies high moral values. In modern times, the profession of arms has become similar to other professions such as lawyers or economic experts. The preparation of professional soldiers specializes in the acquisition of special knowledge and skills, which are not common in the civilian world and which cannot be acquired with short training. It is one of the characteristics that distinguish a warrior of long ago from a modern professional soldier. Become the expert in a very specific, socially required activity, which is, simply put, violence management. The nature of the professional soldier's training focuses on acquiring applicable skills to ensure the security of his country, which means monopolizing his profession. Another characteristic of the professional soldier is his subordination to politicians. He acts like an experienced and knowledgeable consultant. The decision is made by a politician, but the implementation of that decision is handled by the official staff. Professional soldiers are closely linked to service to the state. Each soldier of......middle of paper......urs per day. It's a full-time commitment. When a command is given you must respond immediately at any time, there is no time for long considerations, just pay attention to the order. It follows that military personnel must adhere to high standards of discipline. In most cases, observance of discipline is one of the fundamental prerequisites for successful execution of the mission and fulfillment of the order. Finally, as you may have noticed from the information above, the profession of arms is certainly a very demanding profession that requires commitment from the whole person. The whole process of reaching the professional level is not an easy path in terms of the military. It requires determination, willpower, the right motivation, physical and psychological resilience. BibliographyTRADOC. "The profession of weapons". An Army White Paper, December 8, 2010.