Bell Vortex Motorcycle HelmetWhen looking to purchase products, I consider a number of crucial factors ranging from safety to performance, from affordability to easy-to-use features to the visual appeal of the product . After reviewing a large number of helmets available online, I initially chose the ones that appealed to me the most. The Bell Vortex motorcycle helmet surpassed all others in the visual department. Reading customer reviews online, I decided to order one. After receiving it, I took the helmet for a long bike ride and was so impressed with using it that I decided to write a review. Overview The helmet is extremely stylish and looks great on anyone who tries it on if it fits them. I ordered a black one but it comes in a variety of different styles and designs. Choose the one that best suits you. No other helmet competes with its elegance. The movement of the visor is really fluid; easy to open and close. The helmet is super comfortable thanks to the convenience of the removable liner and padding. When wearing the helmet there is enough space to slip in glasses and a pair of thin speakers. I also tested the helmet in wet conditions. Its visor system is very effective and comes with an anti-fog coating. The visor can be locked and then raised easily with a simple mechanism. It also includes one of the most efficient ventilation systems on the market. It is intelligently designed so you can easily control the airflow through the vents and adjust them to your needs. But the ventilation made the helmet a little noisy. I prefer my trips to be quieter and more comfortable, but that's the best we can get for such an affordable price. I have a large head, so I didn't find the helmet heavy but neither...... half of the paper ...... level. But I guess the best you can do is keep the helmet in an appropriate price range. I compensated for the noise by using earplugs. This has held back the volume somewhat. The helmet worked well for me. But it didn't fit in the heads of many of my friends. They used other helmets of the same size. So you will have to be careful what size you order. Some of you may feel that the helmet is a little too heavy for your head. Summary and Conclusion The Bell Vortex Motorcycle Helmet is highly recommended if you want a helmet that is great looking, affordable, super comfortable and has all the easy to use features to enhance your bike riding experience. The helmet is exactly what it promises to be. Like me, you will be extremely satisfied. Just make sure you order the right size and use earplugs if you find the volume bothersome.