Xin Niuyue (New York), is a bustling metropolis built on the ruins of New York City. During the late 21st century, New York deteriorated due to humanity's arrogance and continued overexploitation of natural resources. It became nothing more than a wasteland. After his passing, the United Nations rebuilt the city to its former glory and renamed it Xin Niuyue, conforming to the primary language of the United Nations: Mandarin Chinese. New York is a low-lying city located on three islands at the mouth of the Hudson River. Its coastal location makes the population incredibly dense. Even though all the cars, buses and trains were supposed to improve the transportation system, they didn't. City engineers set out to solve New York's road congestion problem to put an end to all the transportation problems that come with it, including commute time, overpopulation, freight movement, traffic and parking at the root . In this way they were transforming this desert land into a thriving, successful, trade-based city. To eliminate the congestion problem we have a simple solution. We will get rid of roads and all personal transportation and use the space left behind to create tracks for our mass transit. Our transit will use three main vehicles, each designed for a certain terrain, land (MagTrans), water (AquaTrans) and air (AirTrans). While the air and water vehicles will operate like any other means of water and air transportation, the MagTrans works using a powerful electromagnetic field produced by the track. We distributed the huge population of Xin Niuyue by embedding it into three vertical layers. Strong and sturdy, reinforced glass sheets separate the floors and give the illusion of walking on air. Elevators and pedestrian walkways make the city easily traversable. Our......middle of paper......n Niuyue would be adulterated by rampant pollution. Ultimately, mechanical engineering is the most important for our city. This field includes physics and all non-natural movements. Since our city relies heavily on transportation, mechanical engineers are the ones who create our system making sure our entire city is up to scratch. Our city is a modern, cutting-edge place to live. The movement of both goods and humans is optimized and facilitated in Xin Niuyue. Pedestrians will easily move around the city with moving sidewalks that accommodate both the lack of streets and pervasive standardized mass transit. There won't be as much congestion as there is today. Our layered city architecture will further reduce congestion, while also lowering death rates and commute times. Xin Niuyue's emphasis on better transportation contributes to a better tomorrow.