“Cradle to Cradle” a book written by William McDonough and Michael Braungart, published by North Point Press. McDonough is an architect and the founder of McDonough and Partners, receiving numerous awards in recognition of his environmental projects. His most famous project to date is the $2 billion undertaking of the original Ford Motor Company manufacturing plant, transforming it into an eco-friendly automotive factory. A German chemistry Ph.D., Braungart led the chemistry division of Greenpeace, now founding the German Agency for the Encouragement of Environmental Protection, assisting companies in designing products with a vision focused on the entire life cycle of manufactured goods. This was an interesting book to read and read. an important one. McDonough and Braungar introduced new mental models; as they expanded the current collapsing archetypes with failed hardened loops, through the analysis of production designs, consumers, pollution and waste, they provided valid and proven practices. It should be read by every producer, politician, teacher, parent, in short everyone living on earth.Show th...