The bench press is one of the three workouts we will discuss in the manual. Of the three workouts covered in this manual (performed at the PSU Abington gym) — bench press, deadlift and squat — the bench press is the most difficult to fully master. This workout will test your upper body strength and power. There are benefits to mastering or trying to master the bench press: The bench press helps your upper body gain muscle and become stronger. Finding a technique that works best can make the bench press much easier for the athlete. People who perform bench presses with the wrong technique can cause injury. Injuries can take time to heal, some people may take up to a week to heal. With the right instruction and technique, serious injuries will not occur during training. Benefits of the Bench Press There are many benefits to performing the bench press. It works a variety of upper body muscles, but focuses primarily on the pectoral muscles of the chest. The bench press gives muscle definition and strength to the chest area. As a compound exercise, the bench press engages the deltoids and triceps muscle groups, as shown in the image below. This is because these muscles often work with the chest muscles to complete a movement. Some benefits of performing the bench press are: • Increase strength for push-ups o Push-ups require upper body strength and can also help increase muscle mass. • Build power o Lifting requires using full strength and exploding during the bench press, this shows that the athlete is gaining power by exerting strength. • Maximize training sessions o The bench press doesn't just work the upper body , but trains the delts and triceps and abs.InjuriesHere are the two main causes of injuries and what to do when an injury occurs......middle of paper......between sets, only increase by 10- 15 lbs. per set Bench Press Variations Incline Bench – This is performed the same way as a standard bench press but the bench is at an incline of approximately 45 degrees. This is done so that the upper chest is targeted more. This is great for building muscle mass and defining the upper chest area. Incline bench press: This is performed the same way as a standard bench press, but the bench has an incline of approximately 45 degrees. This is done so that the lower chest is targeted more. This is great for building muscle mass and defining the lower chest area. Dumbbell bench press: This is performed the same way as a standard bench press but instead of using a barbell, you use two dumbbells. This variation helps target the stabilizing muscles in your arms. It helps improve overall balance and also helps strengthen the shoulders.