For this reason, people who appear in the media should be attractive to have a large number of views, however how should models look in terms of appearance? And why does the media prefer thin models to overweight ones? There are many reasons why the media prefers skinny models to overweight ones. First of all, advertising, it makes no sense to advertise a diet product through an overweight model, because you need a person who has a suitable body to advertise the product. because it takes a person who has a suitable body to advertise the product. For example, thinness is an element of the product being launched: diet foods and exercise equipment are obvious examples. But the vast majority of ads featuring slim models use them to convey the idea, almost always inaccurate, that “if you use this product you will look like this.” Thinness is more attractive because it is an evolutionary survival mechanism, slim people are healthier and less prone to chronic diseases which can make thin models a healthy example