Topic > Interpreting the Bible: A Personal Learning Journey

These steps really help break the passage down into manageable chunks. These also play an important role with the authorial intent and literary intent of the piece. The one passage that stands out the most is passage 2, “what are the differences between us and the biblical audience” (Duvall & Hays, 2012, p. 237). This passage plays an important role in trying to understand how the passage relates to our modern situations. Help demonstrate that the Bible is for every generation on this earth and that every written word of the authors was inspired by God. Help demonstrate to our new generation that no matter the situation, God has instructions on how to live our lives in those uncertain times. I felt that everything written by Duvall & Hays was helpful in interpreting the Scriptures. Many of the elements were repeated, but each made sense as to why they should be incorporated into my study