Many successful people start with zero or lack of knowledge before turning into successful people. The key that changed their lives and brought them success is the perfect education. A perfect education is important for all people of all generations to realize their dreams and change their lives in the future. Instruction can be divided into two types, which are direct instruction and indirect instruction. Direct education is education learned in school, involving various subjects and lessons and may use books such as science, mathematics and English. The aim is to acquire and increase knowledge. Meanwhile, indirect education is the education that exposes moral values, ethics, attitudes, manners, soft skills and other things that concern our life and well-being. They can be learned for free by family, parents and all people. Both trainings are essential and must be exposed to citizens in order to provide them with good attitudes and knowledge. However, many people earn money as an excuse for not having an education, especially a direct education because of the costs they have to pay. As a result, many people suggest and demand that the government provide free education to citizens. In my opinion, the government should not provide free education to citizens for several reasons. The first reason why education should not be provided free to all citizens is that too many people need to be sponsored. The average population in this country tends to increase day by day. As the number of people increases, this means that there are too many people to be sponsored into education by the government. The educational fee for each person is high and is not appropriate to be sponsored. Despite this, many people are not… middle of paper… on top of avoiding any further harmful effects we may experience in the future. As good citizens, we should also think about other priorities to ensure that the flow of development runs smoothly. We need to change our mentality and think positively. Education may not be free because the government has no money and needs to pay people who teach and work in the education sector. Rates may also not be free to avoid paying taxes and reduce the daily cost of living for our benefits. Furthermore, it is about generating people with skills and soft skills for the development of our country. Even though it may be impossible and difficult for us to get free education, on the other hand, we have the right to express loudly and suggest the government to minimize or decrease the amount of school fees. Maybe he will succeed. Therefore, think before acting if you don't want it to turn into a disaster.