During the late 20th century, humanity experienced an unprecedented wave of technological progress and innovation. From the 1980s onward, our level of technology, particularly communication-based technologies, increased exponentially every year, giving us inventions (and their later additions) such as the cell phone, the Internet, email, instant messaging and social media platforms. Indeed, the advent of the Internet and social media has created a smaller, wired world where an individual can communicate with someone on the other side of the world in the blink of an eye. Likewise, with the 21st century now well past its first decade, further advances in communications technologies hope to create an even more globalized and interconnected world. However, this increasingly digitalized earth brings with it problems that our species has never faced before. As technology has become the most prevalent thing in our lives, we have watched the rise of a generation increasingly dependent on their technology for any form of “healthy” social life. life. Likewise, this dependence on electronics has created a mass of individuals with shortened or otherwise impaired attention spans and cognitive abilities. Rates of ADHD, ADD, depression and anxiety are steadily increasing, with a known correlation between these mental disorders and increasing communication in technologies. Recent surveys found that 22% of teens access their favorite social media site at least ten times a day, while more than half of teens visit more than twice in a day. Over 70% of teenagers own some type of cell phone, 56% use it daily to send messages. Therefore, many adolescents find this social interaction to be “very important” or “crucial” in their… middle of paper… connect individuals to information, and to others, in a way never before available. This positive potential should be recognized and exploited, but at the moment it is mostly hidden from the mass of the population. And however enormous the positive potential of such resources may be, mass media technologies still contribute substantially to modern health problems. As social technology advances, it is up to us as a society to safeguard our youth through safety and health education. usage. While completely eliminating technology is more harmful than helpful, it is altogether more productive to simply guide our children in the correct way and impart them with a healthy perspective on mass social media. In this way, we would be able to enjoy all the benefits of social media and corresponding platforms as a means of interconnectivity, information exchange and discovery..