Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurobiological condition that exhibits developmentally inappropriate levels of inattention and/or hyperactivity and/or impulsivity (Leroux & Levitt-Periman, 2000) . ADHD is thought to be caused by a dysfunction in the frontal lobes of the brain. 2% to 6% of today's students have ADHD, while three times as many boys as girls have ADHD (Humphrey, 2009). It is important as educators to know the signs of the student with ADHD and the strategies to use to maximize their learning. Early diagnosis of children with ADHD is important for the prevention of secondary disorders. If the parent suspects ADHD, they should take their child to their doctor who may refer them to a mental health specialist (National Institute of Mental Health, 2011). Kyoriotaji and Manolitsis (2010) both believe that it is very important to ask the child's class teacher to provide important information due to their extensive contact with children in a structured and unstructured environment, creating a basic line of behavior to start the diagnosis process. Individuals with ADHD can be inattentive, hyperactive, and impulsive. Individuals who show inattention can be easily distracted, causing them to miss details, forget things, and often jump from one thing to another. They may have trouble concentrating on one thing or become bored with an activity after just a few minutes, unless they are doing something they really enjoy. Students with ADHD may have difficulty concentrating, organizing, and completing a task or learning something. For this reason it is difficult for the student to complete homework or homework, or even remember to bring a pencil or... in the center of the paper ......ournal of Special Education, 19-25.Kypriotaki, M., & Manolitsis, G. (2010). Teacher assessments for identifying primary school children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 269-281. Leroux, J., & Levitt-Periman, M. (2000). The gifted child with attention deficit disorder: A challenge of identification and intervention. Roeper Review, 171. National Institute of Mental Health. (2011). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Retrieved October 4, 2011, from the National Institute of Mental Health:, W., Fabiano, G., & Massetti , G. (2005). Evidence-based evaluation of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children and adolescents. Journal of clinical child and adolescent psychology, 449-76.