Capital punishment, otherwise known as “The Death Penalty,” has been around for many years and has been the cause of death for over twelve hundred inmates since 1976 (“The death penalty” Penalty Information Center”), but is the death penalty really beneficial to the American public? This question is on many people's minds and has left many wondering the meaning of punishment. The death penalty targets murderers or high-profile cases. Some argue that the death penalty should apply to those who kill, rape, or abuse human beings such as children or women. The meaning of punishment is to teach these criminals that there are laws that must be followed. Figuratively speaking, it means teaching those potential offenders a lesson. By examining the facts around us, we can gain a greater sense of security and a greater understanding of what the death penalty can accomplish, all while evaluating the high-quality aspects that the penalty has to offer. Many of those affected by these crimes, the supporters, show strong encouragement of punishment, while those who have never had a loved one killed by a deranged psychopath, the opposing party, show staunch opposition. Supporters encourage this effort usually seeking some sort of revenge against the so-called “deranged psychopath.” These few represent the vast majority of citizens who find "comfort" in knowing that justice has been done. On the other hand, people who were not affected by this find the punishment harsh and unjustified, although the killer showed no mercy for the deceased. The people mentioned above are the faces that represent the death penalty, whether they are for or against it. One area of disagreement that many encounter when analyzing the need…half of the document…justifiable punishment, or beneficial to America? There is no answer to this question. Even as the death penalty debate rages on, people will always take sides and the debate will continue forever. Works Cited Berry, Williams W. “Ending Death By Dangerousness: A Path To The De Facto Abolition Of The Death Penalty.” Arizona Law Review 52.4 (2010): 889-924. Academic research completed. Network. 3 November 2011. “” Information center on the death penalty. Np, 2011. Web. November 3, 2011 Jones, Sandra J., and Elizabeth Beck. “The pain of disenfranchisement and endless loss experienced by the families of death row inmates.” Omega: Journal of Death and Dying 54.4 (2006): 281-299. Academic research completed. Network. November 3, 2011.Mtshali, Lihle. “The death penalty is just revenge in disguise.” Sunday Times (South Africa) 25 September 2011. n. page Network. November 3. 2011