Postpositivism also commonly called the scientific method, and is based on key concepts such as rationalist and empiricist philosophy. Postpositivism is supported by deterministic philosophy, which dictates the outcome of research. This worldview focuses on the need to critically analyze and identify the effects and outcomes of conducting research. It also addresses the issue that may have a direct relationship to the desired outcome of the research (Creswell, 2013, p.12). In research methodology, postpositivism articulates how the big ideas presented can be compressed into small, simple notions in order to address important variables needed to develop hypotheses and research questions. Postpositivism argues that scientific knowledge is vital in research methodology. The whole idea can be based on objectivity to create a concrete understanding of how research should be conducted (Phillip & Burbules, 2000, p.67). Postpositivism is useful to my research topic “when systems resist users” because it helps the analyzes and definition of all the issues involved that are supposed to be addressed by the research. The whole idea can be based on the ability to develop careful observation and draw tangible conclusions by identifying variables, which could alter the research results. The postpositivist perspective is important to facilitate the development of observationally aided numerical measures in the study of individuals' behaviors. Postpositivism outlines a guideline that should be followed whenever research is conducted on any research topic (Welsh, 2007, p.173). The notion of postpositivism in relation to conducting research involves outlining a theory, collecting data, which...... mid-article ...... or presenting a holistic case study that addresses the question of research “why systems resist users” .”The research methodology is based on both facts and theory. As noted, worldviews are based on theories and beliefs. Therefore, a theory can be defined as a well-established principle that has vital information aimed at the project's questioners. A theory is arrived at only after repeated observation and testing. Theories incorporate appropriate certified hypotheses into the research methodology (Kumar, A., 2003, p.4). A fact is an understanding or belief that cannot be changed. The research design is based on concepts that should be followed. In most cases the concepts do not change. For example, if the researcher uses a qualitative approach, there are concepts related to it. In most cases only the variables are changed to obtain the desired and accurate results.