Topic > What benefits could vertical planting bring to Hong...

The purpose of this essay is to examine the possibility and benefits of applying vertical planting on buildings in Hong Kong within the next fifty years. The concept of vertical planting was created by the French botanist Patrick Blanc (Hohenadel 2007). This method has been applied to numerous buildings worldwide to reduce pollution, save energy and for decorative purposes (BBC 2011), while it is new to Hong Kong. This article will focus on discussing the potential impacts of the technology such as improving air quality and reducing the heat island effect in Hong Kong. This essay will briefly describe the mechanism of growing plants without using soil and examine the niche for the application of vertical planting nationwide. The impact of the technique will then be analysed. And finally conclude by discussing whether vertical planting could improve the quality of life of Hong Kong residents. The science behind vertical planting is plant physiology. Light, water, air and nutrients are the four primary elements for the survival of terrestrial plants. The first three requirements can be easily achieved. Light is generally sufficient during the day. The city's water supply system is developed. Air is everywhere. For the last factor, it could be replaced. In fact, an agricultural method called hydroponics grows plants in a nutrient solution (BBC 2011). The root of the plant is immersed in the solution to absorb nutrients (McCall and Nakagawa 1970), then the plant can grow in a container with an irrigation system. Without soil, the weight of the container will be significantly reduced and it will be possible to install a modular green wall on the walls. Plants covering buildings act as thermal insulators, heat absorbers and air filters which could lower internal temperatures...... middle of home/articlelist.php? cat=cover&volid=123Ulrich RS. 2002. Health Benefits of Gardens in Hospitals [Internet]. [cited October 20, 2011]. Available from: RS, Simons RF, Losito BD. 1991. Recovery from stress during exposure to natural and urban environments. Journal of Environmental Psychology 11(3): 201-230.[WCED] World Commission on Environment and Development. 1987. Our common future. New York: Oxford University Press. 444p.[WHO] World Health Organization. 2005. Air Quality Guidelines for Particulate Matter, Ozone, Nitrogen Dioxide, and Sulfur Dioxide [Internet]; [cited 19 October 2011] Available from: A. 2005 29 October. Our air is killing us. The norm; 8.