Hey, have you ever asked yourself questions or been asked. “How do cell phones affect car driving? Well, when it comes to driving a vehicle, knowing the effect cell phones have on drivers can be important in preventing accidents on the road. In reality, there are studies, research and methods used to help understand the effect of cell phones on car driving. Wilson & Simpson, (2010), Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS), which show the causes of road accidents by obtaining only fatal accidents that occurred within 30 days of the corresponding accident. Information is collected from a variety of sources, statistical record files and state licensing files, medical records, health records and vital statistics. FARS helps to show the driver related crash factor, cell phone is a factor detected by FARS, because cell phone causes distraction on the road. Wilson explains that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) uses, explains how to distract driving after the FARS findings. Wilson & Simpson, (2010), states that between 1999 and 2008, there were a total of 51857 deaths caused by driver distraction, according to FARS data. The authors believe that talking on a cell phone rather than texting is more dangerous and that the effect of talking on a cell phone distracts the driver's attention from the road. The study agrees with Drews et al. (2009) text messaging clearly has the highest dual-task/single-task ratio, Wilson and Simpson highly emphasize the ban on texting and talking on cell phones due to the trend in fatalities. However, Wilson and Simpson agree that hands-free mobile devices such as Bluetooth should be considered. Benedetto el al., (2012) believes that portable and handheld devices are a paper service, while driving without a phone is not. In the simulator study of random braking of a car Benedetto et al. (2012) highlighted the effect of the mobile phone while driving linked to the increase in reaction times, the decrease in driver performance, and the reduction of vision. Although the answer to the question is once again: "How does the cell phone affect driving in a car?". However, research sources show many effects that cell phone has while driving in a car and the methods used to demonstrate the effect in case of an accident with cell phone use while driving. Many may consider and should already have common knowledge of cell phone distraction. So just ask yourself “Should I really use my cell phone while driving?” This will help anyone from harm or end up in a wreck, and more importantly, prevent death in a traffic accident or extermination of others.