The government has the responsibility not only to maintain law and order, but also to ensure that life and living are made comfortable for the majority of citizens (Mukoro, 2005: 31). The service or bureaucracy is indispensable to the functioning of the modern state (Basu in Briggs, 2007: 144), but it is also an important agency for routine government activities (Tjiptoherijanto, 2007: 37). To some extent, the condition of society is determined by the provision of public service (Philips in Briggs, 2007: 144). Many developing countries are considered weak mainly because of their inability to control bureaucracy and force them to enforce the will of the state. (Fukuyama in Tjiptoherijanto, 2007: 37), most bureaucracies in developing countries are too large, too expensive and insufficiently productive; and public employees, especially those in managerial positions, receive few incentives (salaries) and are poorly motivated (Nunberg in UNDP, 2010:4). Furthermore, crucial problems that are equally difficult to overcome are the phenomenon of public service in developing countries contaminated by cronyism and corruption (Fukuyama in Tjiptoherijanto, 2007: 37). Indonesia, being one of the developing countries, also experiences the same problem in the civil field. service management. The Political and Economic Risk Consultancy (PERC) released its survey of bureaucratic performance in Asian countries in 2010. Indonesia achieved a score of 8.59, placing it in the second worst bureaucracy in Asia after India with a score of 9. 41 (Republika online, 24 June 2010). The PERC investigation result has a negative impact for the Indonesian government, especially in the investment sector, due to the investigation related to regulations and services to foreigners...... middle of paper ..... .interpretation of the definition of contract employee leading to the word dichotomy, the term between contract employee based on APBN/APBD (state/local budget) and other funding or (MS A and MS B);2. There are two types of training previously excluded from Government Regulation Number 48 Year 2005, which refers to strategic and administrative personnel;3. To date it has been recorded that there are around 18 MS B contract employees, previously accepted as CPNS (Public Servant Candidates), who are also dismissed because their salary does not come from the state/local budget. Based on the problem context, problem statements, the writer pays a lot of interest in conducting the research titled “Promotion of Contract Employees to Civil Servants (A Study on the Implementation of Government Regulation Number 48 Year 2005 in Temanggung Regency)”.