Introduction: Over the past twenty years, environmental and socioeconomic debate has increased over an alternative method of extracting natural gas thousands of feet below the surface using horizontal drilling and “ hydraulic fracking. Fracking is the technique of drilling deep wells at high pressure with sand, water, and a variety of chemicals to crack rocks and release natural gas (hydrogen carbons) and oil from shale or coal methane deposits. Colorado townships, such as Lafayette and Fort Collins, have voted on a moratorium to ban fracking within city limits. Environmental organizations such as Clean Water Action and Sierra Club argue that fracking causes environmental degradation, health problems and a negative impact on communities and their infrastructure. While organizations such as the Colorado Oil and Gas Association (COGA), Halliburton and other oil and gas and construction industry groups, and some local, state and federal politicians, argue that fracking is a safe method for drilling Earth. Burning natural gas, considered a clean fuel, reduces the amount of greenhouse gases produced by coal and reduces carbon energy consumption in the future. Fracking reduces dependence on foreign oil and gas, improves the ability to generate electricity and heat homes cheaply. Fracking supports local economies and provides much-needed jobs ( Name the natural resources and ecosystem services affected by frackingNatural resources potentially affected by fracking could alter the aesthetic appeal of rural and natural areas with pipelines and infrastructure.3. Historical section that answers the following questions: The Halliburton Oil and Gas Company first introduced hydraulic fracturing in 1949 to extract nature...... middle of paper......, the Gas Association does lawsuit in Fort Collins over fracking moratorium." The Coloradoan. Np, nd Web. February 8, 2014. -Fort-Collins-over-fracking-moratorium "Colorado Energy From Shale. Np. Web. 8 February 2014. http:// /reports/The%20Costs%20of%20Fracking%20vPA_0.pdf"Colorado Oil & Gas Association Takes Legal Action Against Fort Collins, Lafayette Fracking Bans,", nd Web. "Colorado Energy News RSS Np, nd Web. 2013/03/fracking-ban-approved-fort-collins-city-council