Topic > Homeschooling: a freedom or an abandonment? - 1754

Homeschooling benefits children in their socialization skills more than public school. In addition to socialization, homeschoolers have more academic education than public school students. Homeschooling bypasses the middleman (i.e. the teacher). In a public school, a teacher teaches a subject to his students. When the time of departure approaches, the student goes home to do his homework; but often the student forgets how to solve the problems taught in class. The parent then sits with the child for the rest of the night trying to teach him the lesson again only to find out the next day that the teacher taught the student another way. In homeschooling, the parent becomes the teacher. The parent will have the student's manual and workbook. The parent will know how to teach the student, avoiding long frustrating evenings at home. Homeschool students receive individual teacher attention unlike public school students. When a student receives individual attention, their grades automatically increase due to their understanding of their studies. Quoted in Il