In our coats of arms, shaking hands represents a good therapeutic relationship between patients and nurses. Arnold (2016) states that therapeutic communication is a process through which clients and nurses interact dynamically and recognize and produce certain goals with each other. Therapeutic relationships include not only our clients but also those related to them. Good therapeutic relationships can help nurses build the Roy Daily Assessment Tool (RDAT) on their physiological-physical, self-concept, group identity, role function and interdependence which ultimately helps nurses with nursing intervention and nurses healthcare. (Arnold, Bloggs, 2016). During communication, nurses begin to learn more about our clients and establish trust. Nonetheless, it is necessary to recognize the limits of the therapeutic relationship (Canning, 2007). In therapeutic relationships there are many boundaries that a nurse should not cross. If nurses overstep these boundaries, it creates injustice to other patients and healthcare may become less effective. Continuously displaying ideal therapeutic relationships is a crucial quality for