The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the most powerful legislative and legal body in the world. It is the only global international organization that deals with the rules of trade between nations. The organization's goal is to help producers of goods and services, exporters and importers manage their businesses. • Who we are: The WTO was born out of negotiations and everything it does is the result of negotiations. The aim is to encourage trade flows as freely as possible, without safeguarding questionable effects, as it is important for economic development and well-being. It also confirms that individuals, companies and governments know what the rules of trade are around the world and gives them confidence that there will be no sudden changes in policies. • What we do: The WTO is run by member governments. These members ensure on a daily basis, among other things, that discussions proceed smoothly and that international trade rules are properly functional and binding. • What we support: WTO treaties are broad and multifaceted but contain a number of simple essential principles that are common in these documents. I would like to write about some of them which are non-discriminatory as a country should not discriminate between its trading partners and its own and foreign goods. Predictable and transparent as through this investment is encouraged, jobs are created and consumers enjoy the benefits of competition and it is more beneficial for less developed countries by giving them more time to adapt, more flexibility and special privileges. I will now talk about the Regional Trade Agreements. These agreements remove all barriers to foreign trade and investment, such as customs duties on imports. It can be divided into two classes: personalized u...... half of the document ......ed 1 December 2013] {online} The market European municipality. By- Dr. Koitcho Beltchev- [Accessed November 30, 2013] {online} The Lawyers & Jurists- [Accessed November 30 ,2013] {online} trade-countries -illustrate-explain/ What is an economic union- [Accessed 30 November 2013] {online} World Organization of Trade- [Accessed 1 December 2013] {online} /what_stand_for_e.htm WiseGeek/Free Trade Agreement- [Accessed 2 December 2013] {online}http:/ /