Crash is a crime film directed by Paul Haggis. It is a story based on real life incidents about racial and social tensions in the lives of people in Los Angeles. In the film the various characters did not know each other, but their lives met without their intention. A situation has arisen where you need to make a decision. The film highlights the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone to enter other people's lives and become more like them. Looking at history with a sociological perspective, below are some concepts that explain history in a better way. Crash proves the Thomas theorem, the interactionist perspective, ethnocentrism, racial inequality, and many others. We will also talk about how concepts are related to history.o THOMAS THEOREMThomas Theorem is a theory of sociology formulated by William Thomas and Dorothy Thomas. In essence, this theorem tells us that if we believe situations are real, they become real to us. Our subjective reality becomes our objective reality. It follows that if we believe certain things about an individual, he begins to act in precisely that way. In my opinion, the best example of Thomas' Theorem in the movie Crash was when Jean Cabot grabs his bag when passing by those two young black boys, Anthony and Peter, across the street. He thinks black people are a threat. His subjective reality becomes real when the two young black men steal his car. Another example might be that we expect Arabs to be violent terrorists. Farhad isn't even Arab, he's from Persia, but whatever the shopkeeper expects from him, he gets it in the end when Farhad shoots the little girl. Farhad believes that the man (blacksmith) is tearing… the middle of the paper… and this makes us laugh and cry almost at the same time. When we laugh, we need to question the underlying sociological concepts that make us laugh. Are we laughing at those racist jokes because of our ethnocentrism? Are we as guilty as Jean Cabot of turning our realities into truths? Do we have opinions about certain groups of people and basically make them come true for ourselves? Crash questions us about all these things. This film successfully forces viewers to confront their own cultural backgrounds and experiences with those of other races. After all, when it comes to racial equality, you shouldn't ignore it. Especially in a city like Los Angeles, we never know when the truth will hit us and we will be forced to face who we are through someone else's eyes, no matter how difficult it is to take a look inside and outside of ourselves...