It has invested a number of typical Southern characteristics. These traits represented the historical growth and subsequent decline that the South had at that time. Any human drama could almost be directly linked to some sort of historical drama that lasted almost 2 centuries. All his novels could be compared to the materials used to construct buildings. In which in themselves they are quite simple, while still maintaining that sophisticated air. However, the sum of all of Faulkner's works... his novels as a whole give rise to something much more complex. One of Faulkner's best, if not greatest, creations, Yoknapatawpha. I say this is one of his greatest achievements because, being able to write your novels in such a way that you don't just tell that particular story, but also create a scenario that would be different in another place, but create other stories or showing different perspectives… is an amazing feat. I can only compare it to the comics industry like DC comics and their multi-verses that connect together various stories in the same world, but different locations, perspectives or styles. In fact, perhaps DC's multiverse concept was inspired by its fictional creation of Faulkner