In the novel “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain, the life of a small American town is portrayed. The city is described as idyllic due to its general simplicity with the life of the inhabitants of St. Petersburg. The city also describes what life in the area is like on average and brings to the reader feelings of strong nostalgia for one's childhood or one's parents. Some may see this story and disagree with the argument because they don't find it idyllic or they simply think it is a gross exaggeration of life in the South and an insult of how life in the South at the time was backwards and poor. While these are rational points I disagree with, the story is an excellent portrayal of the era, after all this is a first person representation of how individuals behaved during that time and opinions differ between individuals and that that you may find offensive to others may not be. The general simplicity of life in St. Petersburg is present throughout the novel and is very elaborate. Life was innocent and simple at the time and very diverse as it was in the South, for example, “White, mul...