The United States has a long and proud history of providing public education to the children of its citizens. The fundamental idea behind the creation of this education system was that it should be accessible to all, regardless of geographical location or family status. At the time this initiative was created, many American families lived and worked on farms, and children were a vital part of this lifestyle. The founders of public schools in the United States had to create a plan that included all children, even those who would have to do agricultural work in the harvest season. Therefore, the nine-month school calendar was introduced, allowing farmers' children a three-month break from school in the summer to help their families with the harvest. Over time, youth participation in agriculture has become outdated and obsolete, and this solution has gone from being a necessity to simply being a tradition maintained over the years. In our modern age, a year-round school calendar would benefit teachers, students, and the finances of America's public schools. Teachers would first benefit from the implementation of year-round schooling through additional earning opportunities. In a year-round system, several “paths” are established, so that students and teachers in each path alternate during vacation and school periods. Teachers on holiday constitute a pool of substitutes. The advantage for the teacher is the possibility of earning money beyond that stipulated in the contract (Quinlan, 71). This is a revolutionary means for teachers to have both a full-time teaching career and a means to earn the money they need. In a nine-month calendar, educators have little opportunity to actively earn money teaching during the summer breeze...... middle of paper ......even more savings for the school and taxpayers. The founders of the American public school system dreamed that all young Americans would have the opportunity to attend school as best as possible for the times. Today's educational leaders must take on the same mission of providing the best school system imaginable for our modern age. Year-round education is the solution to many problems plaguing teachers, students, and school budgets. Works Cited Mutchler, Sue E. “Year-Round Education” SEDL Insights Pg. 3-6 (1993). Press.United States. California State Department of Education, Los Angeles. Year-Round Education: Year-Round Opportunities. A study of year-round education in California. By Claire Quinlan. Pages 43, 71-72 Sacramento, CA: Publications Sales, California State Department of Education, 1987. Print.