In “A Rose for Emily”, William Faulkner tells the complex story of a woman tormented by time and unable to move through life after the loss of every significant male figure in her life. Unlike Disney stories, there is no Prince Charming to save the fallen princess, and her supposed misery becomes the talk of everyone in the town of Jefferson, Mississippi. While the townspeople gossip about her and develop various scenarios to explain her behaviors and the unknown details of her life, Emily Grierson serves as a scapegoat for the lower classes to validate their lives. In telling this story, Faulkner decides to take an unusual approach; uses a narrator to convey the details of a first-person narrative, by examining the chronology, role of the narrator, and interpretations of “A Rose for Emily,” one can see that this story is impossible to tell without a narrator. When Faulkner begins “A Rose for Emily” with Emily's death, he immediately and intentionally obscures the chronology of the story to create a level of distance between the reader and the story and to capture the reader's attention. Typically, the reader builds a relationship with each character in the story because they go on a journey with that character. In “A Rose for Emily,” Faulkner “weaves together the events of Emily's life” in no particular order which interrupts the reader's journey (Burg, Boyle, and Lang 378). Instead, Faulkner creates an obligatory alternative path for the reader. He “sends the reader on a dizzying journey by referencing specific moments in time that have no central referent, and so weaves the past into the present, the present into the past. “Because the reader is denied this connection to the characters, the na...... middle of paper ......Works Cited1. Burg, Jennifer, Anne Boyle, and Sheau-Dong Lang. "Using Logic Programming with Constraints to Analyze Chronology in A Rose of Emily." Computers and the Humanities (2000): 377-3922. Faulkner, William “A Rose for Emily.” Schilb, John and John Clifford “Making Literature Matters: An Anthropology for Readers and Writers,” Boston and New York: Bedford/St. Martin, 2009. 667-6753. Perry, Manakhelm “Literary Dynamics: How the Order of a Text Creates Its Meanings [with an analysis of Faulkner's “A Rose for Emily”] Poetics Today (1979). 35-65+311-3654. Skinner, John “A Rose for Emily: Against Interpretation. “Journal of narrative technique” (1985): 42-515. Sullivan, Ruth “The Narrator in A Rose for Emily.” Journal of narrative technique (1971): 159-1786. Watkins, Floyd C. "The Structure of a Rose for Emily." Notes on the modern language (1954): 508-510