According to CNN "To pursue their career aspirations and have biologically related children," the two tech companies appear to have made the decision out of good will because it is solely in 'benefit interest of the employee. Over time and as statistics support women who make up 50.8% of the US population, obtain nearly 60% of undergraduate degrees and 60% of all master's degrees. They earn 47% of all law degrees and 48% of all medical degrees. They earn more than 44% of master's degrees in business and management, including 37% of MBAs. They represent 47% of the U.S. workforce and 59% of the college-educated entry-level workforce (Citation). Although they hold nearly 52% of all professional-level jobs, American women substantially lag behind men when it comes to their representation in leadership positions because they make up only 14.6% of executive leaders, the 8.1% of the highest earners and 4.6% of Fortune 500 companies. CEO (; so the fact that Apple and Facebook take on the expenses of motivated and motivated women in their careers seem to be considered morally a good person and of good will Unfortunately this still doesn't give a pass to their act and