Topic > The Global Lingua Franca - 759

In a world where there are approximately 6,500 spoken languages, one way of communication - a lingua franca - is essential for integrating people and moving positively towards an even more globalized world. The English language, with over 360 million native speakers, has served as a lingua franca or bridge language since the previous century. It has made communication between people of different cultures painless and easier, both in a diplomatic sense between official governments and between people. Although the United States, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and England are the major English-speaking countries, nations such as India and the Philippines have English as one of their official languages. English has now become the tool that minimizes misunderstandings and leads to a better understanding of the two parties. It has become such an important language that, even in countries where it is not an official language, it is essential for obtaining a substantial job. The common belief is mostly that English is an easy language, which is why it serves as a global language. . However, this idea is inherently false. To begin with, for example, how could someone act in a play and play in a recital? How can a soldier decide to abandon his dessert in the desert? Nothing proves that English is easier than German or French. What he writes can be read in German while in English it is certainly not like that. A simple word “Wednesday” is pronounced “Wenzdā-dē” as opposed to “Wednesday” – the way it is actually written. Furthermore, English has borrowed numerous words from other languages, which gives the language a huge vocabulary. For example, you might say handsome, pretty, or gorgeous: they're all synonymous... middle of the paper... a good salary. Global students who wish to study in the United States must, for example, take the TOEFL or Test of English as a Foreign Language which determines the level of proficiency. Thousands of people fail this test and must take it repeatedly until they get a better grade that can lead to better educational or job opportunities. In short, knowledge of English serves as cheese to crackers. For every native English speaker, there are at least three native English speakers. The wonderful fact, however, is that this is just the beginning. In about ten years, knowing English will most likely become an absolute requirement for any progress you want to make. No matter how hard you have to work to improve your English, it's worth it in the end. Being able to converse in English is a luxury.