In that case, students would be divided into no more than 4-5 groups as evenly as possible to have a cooperative learning experience. I would give students the responsibility to group together until a potential problem starts to arise. I would then group students based on their potential to help each other. I would not want to lump together all the students who understand the material while having one group that barely understands the work. I would also make sure that the class continues to work with all their classmates to prevent the possibilities of association and mutual exclusion. The lessons will be taught in such a way as to be understood by the majority, if not all, of the students. Adjustments will need to be made for different students because not all students have the same learning style, which means not everyone will learn the same. These modifications include solving problems on the board with the class, using the "I do, we do, you do" method and, if possible, also practical activities. The use of technology for classroom management through designing problems on the blackboard or even using a computer to delve into theories or formulas would be useful and integrated. The technology should be in front of the classroom so the teacher can monitor the class as they use it. Have the