Topic > The importance of the lowercase - 588

The universe. So immense that just thinking about its size distorts our concept of space. So intense that the energy and power generated in every moment, in every corner of this infinite blanket of darkness and light, is of such magnitude that it surpasses our understanding. So ancient that any measure of time is useless compared to its origins and its future. How to measure the unmeasurable? How to estimate infinity? How can we compare it to measurable, finite, small, minute, minuscule creatures like us? We, who are so small, and at the same time consider ourselves so big... ''We are inventors!'' we affirm... ''We are intelligent!'' we affirm... ''We have discovered everything to be discovered!' ' we state... ''We are human beings, unlike any other species on planet Earth!'' we state... Well, it is obvious that we are different. It is obvious that we are different from many other creatures on this planet. I dare say we are unique here... but even compared to the size of this little blue ovoid body we live on... we are small. We are small, that's what we are. ...