Then I and the other eight men in my cell were all called before the judge for bail. We all got our phone call, so I called my mother and had to tell her where I was, but all she was worried about was what I had done, so I told her I had eluded arrest. He asked "Did you have any drugs on you?" “No,” I replied, “were you drunk?” “No,” I replied again and she finally said, “I'm coming to get you,” and hung up. Then I went back to the cell while I waited for my mom to arrive, then they went to get me from the cell to let me know that I had paid bail and that my mom was there. Next thing you know I saw my mom and dad there and they told me to get in the truck and we talked about what had happened and decided what we needed to do. Well, the first step was to find a lawyer, so I found my lawyer and went to court three times and was sentenced to a $1,000 fine, three years probation and three hundred hours of community service. So I paid my fine and then I had to pay a minimum of $60 a month probation and I started that in January of 2012. I then completed my three hundred hours of community service in March of 2013 and got l 'approved for early release from probation because I was responsible for my consequences and behaved well, so they released me from probation in October