This palace is dominated by the color yellow which is the color of the greatness of the Malay kingdom, the Maimun palace is one of the icons of Medan, in north Sumatra. Designed by an Italian architect and built by Sultan Deli, Sultan Mahmud Al Rashid. The construction of the palace was started on August 26, 1888 and completed on May 18, 1891. Maimun Palace has an area of 2,772 m2 and 30 rooms. Maimun Palace consists of 2 floors and has 3 parts of main building, left wing building and right wing building. This palace is facing north and on the front side of the building Masjid Al-Mashun or better known as the Great Mosque of Medan.6. Vrederbug Fort Kudus Tower Mosque is also called Al Manar Mosque ("Menara Mosque") is the ancient mosque built by Sunan Kudus from 1549 AD (956 Hijriah). The current location is in Kauman village, Kudus district, Central Java. There is uniqueness of this mosque because it has a temple-tower-like building and architectural patterns that combine the concept of Islamic culture with Hindu-Buddhist culture to show the process of acculturation into Islamic jurisdiction. The establishment of the Kudus Tower Mosque is inseparable from the role of Sunan Kudus as its founder and founder. Like other Walisongo, Sunan Kudus uses a cultural (cultural) approach in preaching.7. Taman