He treated the Roman partitions, especially the senators, with an impeccable respect that almost masked the reality that had deprived them of everything but symbolic power. Augustus consciously manipulated the public's desire to return to the somewhat legendary days of the virtuous republic. He recognized that he could not simply use his age and experience to justify the legitimacy of his government as Republican leaders before him had done. To show his people that he had the leadership qualities to lead civilization, he dedicated himself to creating a statue of himself to show his character which was exceptionally influenced by Greek methods of sculpture. The Portrait of Augustus displays significant symbols that enhance his perceived power and authority, for example he carries the baton of the office of consul. Augustus claimed to restore the public with his power, not only as a symbol of power but as a symbol of republican power. He also wears a general's costume rather than an emperor's robe to emphasize his military career. Finally, the Cupid on the sides of the bare feet (characteristic of the statues of the gods), indicated the presumed descent of the Julian Family from Venus to allude to the statement that he was