ITECH5500Professional Research and CommunicationsAssignment No. 1By: -Salman MohammedStudent ID:-30304792Tutor:- Mr.MazherHussainContents: Page No.:Introduction: • Career at Apple: 03Identification of communication styles/skills and effectiveness: • Communication styles • Appropriate interpretation of key messages 04 Critical Review: • Strengths and Weaknesses: • Verbal and Nonverbal: 05 Conclusion: 06 References: 06 Introduction: On the heels of continuing on from Auburn University, Cook spent 12 years in the IBM PC business, eventually serving as head of North American Fulfillment. Subsequently, he served as “COO” of the PC division of “Intelligent Electronics” and as “Deputy” • Speak confidently in front of the audience. • Think first and discuss with all Apple team members. • In from my research I found that Tim Cook is a good listener and a good speaker after listening to the videos. He likes both verbal and non-verbal styles and always speaks softly and Conclusion: I think Tim Cook is a powerful CEO, I'm sure numerous others would agree. Tim Cook may not have the solid identity and brazen "pathfinding" persona of Steve Jobs, but that doesn't take anything away from his abilities as an administrator. Tim Cook is great at leading the troops, especially when retirement approaches. Tim is also an operations expert that is critical to an organization like Apple that ships countless items every quarter. He's also great at letting his group do what they specialize in without overly forcing their will. References: • "After Jobs: Apple's Cook Gets $380 Million in Compensation. USATODAY.COM. Retrieved October 30, 2014." • “Apple CEO & Fuqua alumnus Tim Cook talks leadership at Fuqua School of Business, Duke University 29, 2013.”•