The environment/exposure to drugs and alcohol affects many aspects of their lives and often puts them in a negative direction where they will be more likely to fall into addiction drugs or alcohol because this is familiar behavior and what they have seen throughout their lives. Addiction therefore is an area of Epigenetics, a new field of study in which scientists are studying the connection between the environment and genetic expression, which is being studied. Let's say a woman addicted to drugs or alcohol has a child, that child is very likely to have birth defects due to the alcohol and drug use that the mother took while pregnant with the child. So let's say the baby is born and the baby automatically has an addiction to drugs or alcohol because he got used to the amounts of drugs and alcohol he received while in the womb, although this seems completely ridiculous it could very likely be a reality due to epigenetic effects. Therefore the epigenetic effect could influence whether and how someone develops an infection