Topic > Document 2 - 523

Steve Mann is a researcher and inventor best known for his work on computational photography and, more specifically, "wearable computing". Explores many ideas regarding the impact technology has on us both consciously and unconsciously. In his essay “Existential Technology,” Mann attempts to educate us on how Mann describes “existential technology” as an incidental technology that is in control of our destiny. Through a bit of flippant commentary, he explains how such existential technologies serve to empower us by disempowering us from responsibility for our own actions, which serves as the basis for many of his social experiments referenced throughout the essay. Mann uses many of what he calls “in(ter)ventions” that function as interactive performances as well as social commentary. Incidental elements are also a key factor in many of Mann's arguments. One of the best and most relevant examples of this phenomenon can be found in its “HeartCam” wearable technology. It was essentially a bra with two surveillance cameras and a heart rate rat...