Daniel MiddletonJamie VilosInformation Literacy 10113 May 2014Misconceptions about Color BlindnessAs a child, I always knew that I didn't see colors the same way other children did. It wasn't until I got older and had an eye injury that I realized I was color blind. When I told my peers that I was color blind I always got questions like, “What color is my shirt?” and "What color is the sky?" These questions quickly became annoying and I stopped telling people I was color blind because I see colors. I have trouble distinguishing between the colors blue and purple, red and green, red and orange, green and brown and so on. It's the shades that are a problem for me Color blindness is defined as "The inability to distinguish certain colors resulting from an inherited defect in the light-receptor cells in the retina of the eye." (Graetzer, Hans G. PhD, 2013). The causes are "Genetic defect resulting in photoreceptor deficiency." (Graetzer, Hans G. PhD, 2013). This basically means that you have small parts in your eye that aren't working properly. The parts of you...