One lady I spoke to came from a broken home, but her mother was a hard worker and provided for her family's needs and it was still a constant in her life that lady became an alcoholic just like her father was and he was rarely in the picture. She had many behavioral problems that got her into trouble with various people such as teachers, counselors, and with the law. This is a different situation than mine because my mother and stepfather did not work or provide the constant needs or support needed to survive. I feel like I learned a lot just by observing the people around me and decided that I didn't want to be like them. The next lady I spoke to had two working parents and many times was left to look after her siblings when a permanent babysitter was unavailable, so she in turn had to grow up quickly and not be able to enjoy her life normally. his childhood. I have more in common with her because growing up quickly without having a choice can cause regrets, relationship problems, disliking other family members and the need to be more independent than your peers. Family dysfunction in any type of environment can cause mental and physical health problems that can stay with a person for life, but it's how you think about yourself that overcomes the stigma that comes with being