Topic > Analysis of man's inhumanity to man - 1100

Sumner does not support a “protectionist” trade policy since it did not work in Spain. A “protectionist” trade policy is one in which trade is restricted between countries by taxing imported goods, and government policy allows fair competition between imports and domestic goods and services. Sumner states that “[the colonies] will rebel against us for the very same reason they rebelled against Spain” (Sumner, p. 8). Since trade is how a country manages to grow, it only follows that trade between countries should occur. In defending expansionism, the “principles” were once recognized as valid, but as time passes and countries change, the “principles” also change. Expansionism is the policy of economic expansion. Sumner states that “times have changed” and speaks of “principles” since “the new ones are certainly no more valid than the old ones” (Sumner, p. 12). The principles on which this country was founded are full of errors and are dated, and Sumner agrees: “These are popular errors that will in time meet with a harsh correction” (Sumner, p..