Topic > Papaya Leaf or Carica Papaya Leaf - 675

The plant species used in this experiment is Papaya Leaf or Carica Papaya Leaf. The leaf is surface sterilized by placing 25 ml of 70% ethanol in a sterile tube and then followed by 10% Clorox which incubates for 2-5 minutes. This is because acidified alcohol is more effective as a disinfectant (Dodds & Roberts, 1990). Next, rinse three times with sterile distilled water. Tools such as forceps and scalpels would be used for all leaf transfers. Therefore, the tips of the forceps must be immersed in ethanol and passed through the flame of a Bunsen burner to prevent contamination of microorganisms (Agrios, 2005). Next, 15 discs from the papaya leaf were cut using sterile forceps and a scalpel and collected in an empty sterile container. Petri dish. Next, take 5 disks (one by one) and place them on the first Petri dish containing the co-cultivation media. The first Petri dish is labeled as the control for this experiment. Co-cultivation media contains Murashige and Skoogs basal salts, Kinetin, BAP and agar. The Agrobacterium culture (grown overnight) is poured into the remaining discs on the Petri dish without media. Then gently shake the plate and incubate for 5-10 minutes. This step is necessary to ensure that the leaf is completely covered in the Agrobacterium culture. Next, the remaining leaf discs are transferred (5 each) from the bacterial solution to the second and third Petri dishes containing the co-cultivation media. Each leaf is touched briefly to sterile filter paper to remove excess liquid. While handling this experiment, the culture plate must remain sterile. The culture dish must always be covered and only opened to add a disc. This is because it can prevent contamination of the culture. The plates were... in the center of the paper... the band's sound was weak compared to that of the other groups. The weak band produced could be due to several causes. The cause may be the small amount of DNA used during electrophoresis. A low concentration may be due to the volume added per well width. It can also be due to DNA degradation or DNA that has been electrophoresed by the gel. DNA denaturation could also result in a faint band. To avoid getting a weak band in the future experiment, precautionary measures should be taken. The small amount of DNA can be resolved by increasing the amount of DNA and avoiding nuclease contamination of DNA markers. Use lower voltage, higher gel percentage, or less time during electrophoresis. To avoid denatured DNA, do not heat DA markers before electrophoresis. TE or a buffer containing 20 mM NaCl can be used to dilute the markers (Troubleshooting Guide for Electrophoresis, n.d..).