Many judges, whether appointed or elected, tend to serve for life. Often, once in place, it is very difficult to remove them. The advantage of having older judges lies in their experience and wisdom. These judges are typically able to make sound judgments. They have gained some respect from their community and judicial colleagues. If a judge is able to maintain a sound mind and is physically fit to remain on the bench, then there should be no cause for concern. However, with the aging process, the human body begins to decline. Unfortunately, common sense and memory begin to decline. The body begins to weaken and it becomes increasingly difficult for a judge to keep up with the demand for work. Often it is the judge who decides when to resign. If he is a rebellious person, then that decision will be difficult for him to make, even if his resignation would be for the betterment of all people. Most judges are able to continue serving well into their old age. As long as they are capable, they should continue to do so