Cooking began 1.9 million years ago. Therefore, cooking is not something new to humans. Cooking started on the stove with no pots, pans or cooking utensils and now we have microwaves, stoves and special brushes to clean a marinade that 1.9 years ago we couldn't even understand. In the meantime there was the Middle Ages which had a lot of progress. Life was very different before cooking and has been very different since cooking began. 1.9 million years ago, given the average size of human beings, they must have spent 48% of their lives in the “feeding process”. The feeding process does not include cooking. Cooking reduced the time humans had to spend on the feeding process to 5%. This change got to the point where humans could spend less time on the feeding process and could do more valuable things with their time, such as going out and hunting to grow larger societies and other activities that ultimately lead to the beginning of the path of our modern brain. . Cooking made food much easier to chew and digest. As a result, we got greater caloric benefits and a smaller digestive tract. All of this has made cooking a vital part of human adaptation. Changes in human teeth occurred so much faster than anything else in the human body that scientists have come to the conclusion that this means that cooking was and has been passed down through generations and generations. Furthermore, the theory of oppressed women has been going on since the beginning of cooking, when men went out and hunted and sought new things. Women in this period had to cook and organize harvesting due to their lack of physical strength. So since the days of the kitchen, even 1.9 million years ago, the roles of men and women have been a natural thing of life... middle of paper... we still spend too much time eating and cooking. Different things in nature such as wood, spices, iron, and the chemicals that make up fire, which are just a few, have helped start and continue cooking along the path it is following. I think cooking will continue to expand as technology advances. I'm not sure how it will advance and change, but I'm sure we will have better and more efficient cooktops and ovens. In conclusion, cooking has evolved with the development of technology. But in the grand scheme of things we still have the same methods. Cooking has contributed to the advancement of the human brain and the advancement of human teeth and our digestive tract. Today we have restaurants, grocery stores, microwaves and ovens. And all we started with was a fire and a piece of meat with a stick stuck in it. Cooking was, is and will be a vital part of human life.