Topic > Gentle Kindness and What Happened During the Ice Storm

The heroic stories advertised inspire many people to make a difference in the world they live in. Along with the advertised heroic stories, there are also secret heroic stories. Secret heroic stories are extremely authentic, as the person who helps others does not care about external rewards. All these secret heroes really want is to know that they helped a cause and improved the lives of others. According to the article “Nicholas Winton and the Rescue of Children from Czechoslovakia, 1938-1939,” Nicholas Winton is a ninety-seven-year-old British man who secretly saved 669 children during World War II and never told anyone. When his wife found his documents years later, she gave them to the BBC. The BBC later, without Winton's knowledge, gathered all the people Winton had saved during his life into one room with him. When asked how many lives were in the room Winton saved, the entire room stood up. Winton's secret heroism touches the heart with his sincerity and his desire to keep quiet about his good works. This is a representation of humility and truth