Love, what is it? That strange feeling you feel with a certain person, is it love? Most people don't. They think it has something to do with late Saturday night drinks. But this seems to be just the modern definition of the term "love". The further you feel like you go back in time, the purer the feeling and definition seems to become. Like in Shakespeare's time, in Romeo and Juliet's time, when love was complicated, but pure and sweet. In another Shakespeare play, A Midsummer Night's Dream, there is a line that has become famous. It is stated: "The course of true love has never run smoothly." This quote is true to this work for three distinct reasons: (1) Oberon drugged his wife in her sleep, (2) Demetrius didn't love Helen at first, (3) there was great confusion about who loves who. the reason that line connects to A Midsummer Night's Dream is because Oberon drugged his wife in her sleep. He had started caring for a young page, this had confused and angered Oberon. Why should this guy be given all of his wife's attention? So he asked the joker Pu for a favor...