Beloved by Toni Morrison is set in rural Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1873. The novel centers on a woman named Sethe, a mother of four and a fugitive from slavery on a Kentucky plantation. years ago. She lives with her daughter Denver in a squalid house at 124 Bluestone, which they share with the ghost of a dead child, who haunts Sethe by reminding her of past tragedies. Paul D, Sethe's new lover and former Kentucky slave whom Sethe takes in, helps shed light on Sethe's sad life. A mysterious and sick young woman who calls herself Beloved also arrives at the door. Gradually, Beloved seeps into the lives of everyone living in the haunted house, forcing Sethe to confront her nightmarish memories. Morrison's gripping scene in chapter 27 in which the thirty women of the community gather in front of 124 Bluestone to fight the ghost haunting the house is carefully constructed to contribute to the theme of healing and the structure of the work. While Denver awaits transportation to her first During a day at work as Bodwin's evening nurse, thirty neighborhood women pray and sing at the edge of the yard after hearing speculation that the ghost of Sethe's dead daughter is causing the deterioration of the family. Sethe and Beloved, intrigued by the music, move to the porch. "Sethe was breaking a piece of ice into pieces. When the music came through the window she was wringing out a cool cloth to put on Beloved's forehead. Sethe and she exchanged glances and walked towards the window" (Morrison 261). As Bodwin approaches in a wagon with his horses to pick up Denver, Sethe is triggered by a flashback to when the teacher and slave catcher came to get her children 18 years ago. Running towards the chariot, Sethe releases her Beloved's hand and runs towards the crowd using the ice pick as a hand attachment to protect her Beloved. “She's walking into her backyard and she's coming for her best thing… And if she thinks anything, it's no” (Morrison 262). The thirty women of the community towards which Sethe was running stop her and Diletta, abandoned alone on the porch, disappears. "Sethe is running away from her, running, and she feels the void in the hand that Sethe held. Now she is running towards the faces of the people out there, joining them and leaving Beloved behind..