Heat is the amount of kinetic energy (KE) or motion and the number of particles that accompanies it (take notes in class, 2014 physics workbook). Heat flows from a hotter object to a colder one, so heat will only flow if there is a change in temperature. Furthermore, heat can be transferred via numerous processes. These are: conduction, convection, and radiation (Taking Notes in Class, Physics Workbook 2014). The temperature is the velocity of the particles, in other words average KE (taking notes in class, physics workbook 2014). Furthermore, this is known as thermal physics. Thermal physics is the combination of thermodynamics, statistical mechanics and kinetic theory. In other words, the study of heat, temperature, and different types of heat transfer. An experimental investigation will be conducted to investigate how different types of colors and varnishes affect the amount of heat absorption in a can for 10 minutes. Four cans were obtained and they were spray painted with 2 different types and colors of paint: matte black, gloss black, matte white and gl...