'Myths arise in man without his knowledge'[1]; As a structuralist, Levi-Strauss offers a number of important reinterpretations of ideological types of thought and practice with 'symbolic anthropology'; within his analysis of the four Winnebago myths, he sheds light on how change within the myth universally reflects Winnebago society. Within each of these myths, how one lives their life determines what happens to them after their life on earth comes to an end. Using Levi-Strauss' analysis of each of the four myths, I will demonstrate how spiritual change occurs within Winnebago culture and "because structure is entirely relational [...] any content can emerge for us only from form – the kinship, mythological or social structures with which anthropology confronts us.' Structuralism in a sense attempts to "create codes through which to communicate." Being able to understand one's own culture is simply 'dialectical', as is content for our own society; however, when looking at "alien cultures, it it can only be structural - containing knowledge - and, as such, part of the subjectivity of our own society which communicates to us the objectivity of another." The chapter, which I am evaluating, is mainly based on the myths collected by Radin as he created his ethnography of the Winnebago culture. Lévi-Strauss chose myths that all belong to the same belief but differ slightly in their forms; the person experiences death but each form differs slightly in each myth, which further develops through the ability to renew life through 'act of heroic traits. In the first myth, warriors die in battle defending their tribe. This highlights the concept of the capital of life…… half of the card……ve; that is, ambiguous spirits that combine good and bad characteristics. Thus ends the myth.' Levi-Strauss concludes that this myth highlights the Winnebago belief that those who live extraordinary lives, despite having negative qualities, will neither live nor die. Through the use of cross-analysis, Levi-Strauss was able to theorize how the Winnebago people interpret and experience how change impacts these people's spirits. By pursuing only the betterment of the group and not as an individual within society one is rewarded by the spiritual world, which in turn influences how members of these tribes act; how they would be punished, which we see with the transformation from human to animal. It demonstrates how we can glean a good source of information from symbols represented in culture.[1] Strauss, Levi,