Weight loss, from a medical, health, or fitness perspective, is a decrease in total body mass, due to an average loss of fluid, body fat, or adipose tissue and /o lean mass, i.e. mineral deposits of bones, muscles, tendons and other connective tissues. It may occur involuntarily due to an underlying disease or may result from a conscious effort to improve a real or perceived overweight or obese state. The search for the ideal weight loss operation began more than 50 years ago because exercise and diet alone are apparently ineffective in treating people with extreme and excessive obesity. Surgical pioneers expanded modern procedures that first produced malabsorption, then limited volume intake, and finally combined both systems. Discrepancies, adjustments, and revisions of these innovative procedures, along with concentrated efforts to pursue and archive the results, have led to the growth and advancement of modern bariatric surgery. The most current research has the hormonal and metabolic effects of these procedures as a central focus. Such discoveries at the cellular level will help broaden the potential mechanism of weight loss and comorbidity reduction beyond the usual justification of reduced food consumption and malabsorption. Bariatric surgery or weight loss surgery is an operation performed on abnormally obese people with a body mass index greater than 40 and is a service provided by an interdisciplinary team: psychiatric, endocrine, rehabilitation, nutritionist, cardiologist and pulmonologist. Studies have shown that in severely obese people, undergoing weight loss surgery means they are more likely to live longer due to lower risk of strokes, heart attacks, certain types of cancer and liver disease . Dividing...... half of the sheet ......ar. vol. 22. No. 236. 10 July 2008: B-4 and B-5.5. Horrilleno, Henry, MD “New Hope for the Hefty: Bariatric Surgery.” Philippine star. August 2, 2010: D-2.6. Enrhart, William. The Total Prevention Health System: Natural Weight Loss. Rodale Press, Inc., 7.1985. Philip, Mitch. “Losing weight is a lifelong effort.” The Philippine newspaper Inquirer. vol. 24. No. 71. 17 February 2009: C-8.8. Mendoza, Philip. "Loving your body is the real secret to losing weight." The Philippine newspaper Inquirer. March 20, 2012.9. Bariatric Surgery. West Penn Allgheny Health System. November 14, 2013. .10. Roker, Al. “Side Effects of Weight Loss Surgery: The Not-So-Glamourous Side of the Procedure Highlighted.” Huffpost Healthy living. (2013) November 14. 2013. .