Topic > Formula Vs Formula Essay - 1284

They don't have the advantage of antibodies through the formula. They tend to get sick three times more often in breastfed babies. Bottle-feeding doesn't give your baby a chance to reduce his risk of infections, obesity, or allergies, but it does make him more likely to become gassier and more agitated. According to Joseph-Ben (February 2015) “Baby milk is not as nutritionally complete as breast milk. Although manufacturers are constantly modifying baby milk to resemble breast milk as much as possible, there is no doubt that it is an inferior product, as it cannot reproduce the living antibodies and antibacterial properties that protect the baby from infections." (par. 3) Money in the bank or money in the shop. Breastfeeding can save you more than $1500.00 per year. According to Dr. Sears, “Breast milk doesn't cost a cent, while the cost of formula increases rapidly. And unless you're pumping breast milk and giving it to your baby, there's no need for bottles, nipples and other supplies that can be expensive.” (par. 4) So you don't need additional costs, now you can spend them to buy toys for your little one or better yet you can put them in a college